School enrolment ceremony: An exciting start to school life

Despite the rainy weather, the students, parents and teachers did not let it spoil the joy of the school enrolment ceremony. The new first-graders entered the school grounds excitedly and with great expectations.

Colorful umbrellas and beaming faces were the order of the day as the older students greeted their new schoolmates with a warm welcome song. The new principal, Mr. Robert Hasse, then welcomed all attending in the gymnasium and emphasized in his speech how important this first day of school is for the children and that the school will make every effort to give them a successful and happy start. Parents and relatives proudly watched their children take their first steps into the world of learning.

This was followed by a lovingly prepared performance by the fourth grade, which delighted everyone.

The first-graders were then taken to their future classrooms, where they were welcomed once again by their class teachers and prepared for the time ahead. Despite the rain, the atmosphere was exuberant and the new arrivals can now look forward to the adventure of school.

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