Ein Tag voller Spiel und Spaß beim Kindergarten-Sportfest
The spirit of joy and camaraderie filled the air as the kindergarten students of the German Embassy School...

DBSAA Wandertag 2024
At the beginning of the second semester on January 29th, the traditional hiking day for the secondary school...

Über die Vergangenheit nachdenken: Filmvorführung "Die Mörder sind unter uns" an der Deutschen Botschaftsschule
The German Embassy School in Addis Ababa hosted a special screening of the classic film “The Murderers Are...

Klassenübernachtung – Spiel und Spaß
07-08-12-2023 We, the 8th grade, combined a class overnight stay with adventure and fun. Our class thoroughly enjoyed...

Sternennacht an der Deutschen Botschaftsschule
On the evening of December 7, 2023, a celestial celebration unfolded at the German Embassy School, bringing together...