Eine wunderbare Nikolausfeier in der Deutschen Botschaftsschule in Addis
In the heart of Addis Ababa, the German Embassy School recently came alive with the spirit of St....

"Her media moves" - Abschlussveranstaltung der Medianakademie für Mädchen in Berlin
From November 27th to December 1st, 2023, five girls in grades 9-11 seized the unique opportunity to participate...

Die Magie der Worte erleben: Vorlesetag der Deutschen Botschaftsschule 2023
Addis Abeba, 20. November 2023 For numerous years, the German Embassy School in Addis Ababa has championed the...

Übernachtung der SMV
Overnight stay of the SMV In mid-October, the SMV invited its members to an overnight stay at...

St. Martinsfest an der Deutschen Botschaftsschule Addis Abeba: Eine Nacht der Tradition, Einheit und Wärme
Addis Ababa, November 10, 2023 – As the sun set, the German Embassy School in Addis Ababa came...