Neue Fußballtrikots für die DBSAA Fußballmannschaften
Our school has received new soccer jerseys for all age groups thanks to the generous support of sponsor...

Tag der Deutschen Einheit - Feierlichkeiten in der Deutschen Botschaft Addis Abeba
On October 24, 2024, the German Embassy in Addis Ababa hosted a large reception to mark the recent...

Beeindruckende Meskelfeier
On 30.09.24, the past Meskel holiday was celebrated in the DBSAA kindergarten and elementary school. Meskel, also known...

Weltkindertag an der DBSAA!
‘Kinder an die Macht‘ (Children to power) – this song by Herbert Grönemeyer greeted our students at the...

25-jähriges Dienstjubiläum
This year, two of our valued DBSAA employees are celebrating 25 years of employment. DBSAA would like to...