Einweihung des Barfußpfads im Kindergarten der Deutschen Botschaftsschule Addis Abeba
A new barefoot path was inaugurated with great joy and enthusiasm at the kindergarten of the German Embassy...

Sportlicher Kindergartentag
On 07.02.25, the German Embassy School Addis Ababa hosted the Kindergarten Sports Fest for the youngest members of...

Live Musik Event des DBSAA Elternbeirats
On 25.01.25, a special event took place on the DBSAA school grounds: The music festival organized by the...

Sieger beim DSD-Wettbewerb der ZfA
At the end of last year, a video competition for students from DSD schools – under the patronage...

Erneuerung eines langjährigen Partnerschaftsvertrags
On 10.12.25, the French Embassy invited the principal of DBSAA Robert Hasse to a festive ceremony. Mr. Hasse,...