Erneuerung eines langjährigen Partnerschaftsvertrags
On 10.12.25, the French Embassy invited the principal of DBSAA Robert Hasse to a festive ceremony. Mr. Hasse,...

Festliche Weihnachtsstimmung an der DBSAA
On December 19, 2024, the German Embassy School Addis Ababa invited its parents, teachers and staff to this...

Besuch des Nikolaus
On December 6, 2024, there was great excitement at the German Embassy School in Addis Ababa: St. Nicholas...

Mittelalterprojekt der 4.Klassen
On November 22, a gallery walk took place for all primary school children. The children were able to...

Pädagogischer Tag: Ein Tag voller Inspirationen und Gemeinschaft
The pedagogical day at the DBSAA began with a motivating welcome and interesting introduction by teachers Sherin Galal...