Einschulungsfeier: Ein aufregender Start ins Schulleben
Despite the rainy weather, the students, parents and teachers did not let it spoil the joy of the...
Erster Schultag 24/25
The first day of school after the summer break is always something special. Students, parents and teachers gather...
Lapbookausstellung im Biologie-Unterricht der 5. Klasse
An impressive lapbook exhibition took place as part of grade 5 biology lessons. The students had worked intensively...
Projektwoche im Kindergarten: Eine Woche voller Entdeckungen, Kreativität und Spaß
At kindergarten, every week is a journey of adventure for the little explorers, but sometimes there are special...
Abschlussfeier an der DBSAA
On May 31, 2024, the graduation ceremony for grades 10 and 12 took place at the DBSAA. The...