Graduation ceremony at the DBSAA

Graduation ceremony at the DBSAA

On May 31, 2024, the graduation ceremony for grades 10 and 12 took place at the DBSAA. The students have worked hard in both years and received their certificates from Mr. Auer, the German Ambassador of Addis Ababa, in a farewell ceremony.

The last school year was full of assignments and exams for all students. Nevertheless, many still found the energy to get involved in the school community and to shape the school in a positive way for future generations of pupils.
This day is all about the shared joy of the students, their proud parents and the teachers. Everyone involved has done their best over the past few months to ensure that everyone reaches their goal and receives their certificates on this day in great outfits.

However, the day was also about saying goodbye to friends who will be leaving the school to go their own way. The DBSAA school community is looking forward to sharing in the future adventures and successes of the alumni.

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