Parent and Student Council

Parent Council

For all matters, please feel free to contact us via

The Parent Council include the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and a Kindergarten coordinator.

Represent the interests and viewpoints of all parents to the school administration and staff.

Provide a constructive link of communication between parents and teachers/staff

Participate in shaping school policies, programs and extracurricular activities that impact students.

Organize social, cultural and educational events to foster greater parental involvement in school life.

Communicate relevant announcements, updates and outcomes from monthly Parent Council meetings regularly to the parents they represent.

  • A parent representative and a deputy are elected in each class from kindergarten to grade 12.
  • The Parent council officers are elected annually from among the parent representatives.

The EBR meets bi-monthly

Monthly meetings are held with the school principal and other involved parents/officers to discuss agenda items.

The EBR is present in the board meetings and the steering comittee meetings to represent parents opinion 

The parent representatives meet 3 times per year:

- in October for the Annual Assembly

- in January as a social event

- in June to close the school year and appreciate all the volunteer parents

The EBR is highly engaged in organising and supporting activities at the school.

We try to collect issues and forward them to the board, but are also engaged in supporting the Green School movement.

We mobilize parents for the following events: Ethiopian Day, St Martin, Christmas, Jazz Festival, Sportsday, Open Day, Fleamarket, Booksales.

All contributions from the events will be spent on extra materials for the school and afternoon care.

Any parent can help out by signing up for a timeslot during an event or bringing homemade cookies and cakes.

Student Representative Council (SRC)

- Represent the interests and viewpoints of the entire student body.

- Plan social, cultural and charitable fundraising events for the whole school community.

- Provide constructive feedback and suggestions regarding existing and new school policies and activities.

- Activities and events organized by SRC help foster school spirit and a greater sense of community among students.

- SRC representatives act as important liaisons between the concerns of students and the school administration.

  • SRC representatives are democratically elected each Fall through a secret ballot vote by students in Grades 5-12.
  • Candidates for representative positions give speeches to their classes before voting takes place.
  • The elected representatives then internally choose officers such as President, Vice President, Secretary etc. from among themselves.
  • Biweekly Monday afternoon meetings are held for the SRC to discuss plans for activities and address any issues or concerns.
  • SRC representatives are responsible for reporting activities and updates back to their classes.
  • An annual multi-day planning retreat is held each Summer for the incoming SRC members.
  • Example activities organized by SRC include dances, movie nights, charity fundraisers, and more aimed at whole school community.
  • A calendar of events is published online and in the school newsletter well in advance.
  • Provide guidance to the SRC on procedural operations and help troubleshoot any issues.
  • Attend all SRC meetings in an advisory capacity to help discussions and decisions.
  • Assist SRC with coordination and logistics of approved activities and events.
  • Act as the primary point of contact between the SRC representatives and school administration.
  • Help resolve any conflicts or issues that arise between students and administration.

For all matters, please feel free to contact us via
